Ability to send SMS Text Messages to notify Customers
Bill Cronin
Cory Wilson
Seems with the current integration of "map it" that you could provide current drive time or even a manual scrolling of the time you are needing before arrival.
Bill Cronin
under consideration
Rebecca Pepe
I currently pay an outside service for this I would love it if ServiceBridge included it
Eric Pierson
I have had customers request a notification before arrival, this would be a nice "option" to have once a work order is completed the next customer is notified that we are on our way, with perhaps a pop up for service tech to send or not so that if he wants to go to lunch he can..
Tony Wurst
We also hired an outside service for this. This would be a great feature and is quickly becoming Service Industry standard.
Paul Waller
Agree it would be a nice to have. Amongst others one benefit I see is that the customer would not have the direct number for the tech which is what happens if they text direct. There is no doubt we lose a couple of customers to future private jobs this way. If it were implemented my preference would be to have a time feature e.g. there in 30, 60, 90
Alonzo Adams
We currently use another appointment app that notifies our customer the day before their appointment. Example they receive a created text with time window (10-12 or 1-3 etc) or without. We also use to notify them if we have to close (because of weather conditions) or if we are delayed. If Servicebridge executes on this feature it must be done correctly to be effective. This feature would save us a lot of time.
Kim Hein Pedersen
We currently use a outside service for this to notify customers that the job is done. Similar to the WO sendt via email, but since many private customers don't read their email but all their sms, sms is a better solution. We tried to stop for a period of time but the customers required it back :)
Paul Waller
We are looking to implement this service. Would anyone like to share who they are currently using so that I can contact this provider to help us as they will be familiar I presume with the set up.
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